Thursday, May 21, 2009

TOP FIVE funny Irish sayings and quotes

Often when we are bored or feeling low, reading something funny can lift up our spirits and change our mood all together. Funny sayings or quotes are not only a source of entertainment and laughter but also provide us something to think about. Here is a collection of TOP FIVE funny Irish sayings and quotes, which you might enjoy.

The Irish don't know what they want and are prepared to fight to the death to get it.

I can resist everything except temptation. [Oscar Wilde] 

For every wound, a balm. 
For every sorrow, cheer. 
For every storm, a calm. 
For every thirst, a beer

When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to Heaven. So, let's all get drunk and go to heaven

Here's to our wives and girlfriends: May they never meet!

1 comment:

  1. yeah coz when u confess u make others think more about ur sin...even it's only a lil one it will be a big deal to keep it and just whisper it only to " our Almighty creator".
